Keep Little Rock Beautiful’s 16th Annual Citywide Cleanup will be held on Saturday, March 8, 2025. The event is part of the Great American Cleanup.
We are reaching out to neighborhood associations, property owners associations, civic groups and organizations to host a cleanup in your area.
KLRB will help by providing t-shirts and cleanup supplies (bags, safety vests, gloves and litter grabbers) for your cleanup. We also provide organizational and safety tips to help you hold a successful cleanup.
It is easy to get involved. Just fill out our online APPLICATION and return it to us before February 7, 2025. If you are having difficulty with the online application process email and we can provide an alternative.
In addition, we are seeking sponsors to support our event. Sponsors are needed for us to be able to provide t-shirts for our volunteers and cleanup leaders and to provide cleanup supplies, like bags, gloves, trash grabbers, etc.
The sponsorship levels are:
- Sponsors of $1000 and above will have their logos in the upper sponsor section of the T-shirts.
- Sponsors of $500 will have their name listed in the sponsor section of the T-shirts (and logo inclusion if space is available.)
- Sponsors of $250 will have their name listed in the sponsor section of the T-shirts.
- Friends of the City-Wide Cleanup Sponsor level: $25 to $200
All sponsors will be listed on our web and social media pages and will be recognized at our Kick Off Event on March 9th. If you have any questions, please send an e-mail (
Donations can be made on-line . Please designate that your sponsorship is for the City Wide Cleanup, or by check to KLRB, PO Box 23661, LR, AR 72221. If you require an invoice, please send an email to with your contact info and the amount.
We would like to thank our Sponsors of the 2024 City Wide Cleanup.
March 8, 2024 Cleanup Results:
558 Volunteers
1127 volunteer hours
628 bags of litter collected
24,059 pounds of litter and bulky waste
363 block cleaned
75 acres of public spaces cleaned
22 tires collected
67 bags of recyclables collected
Value of volunteer time $38,839 (based on Keep America Beautiful formula)
We would like to thank our Sponsors of the 2024 City Wide Cleanup