dRAIN smART is an engaging public education/environmental program that use art to communicate the function and importance of storm drains.
This central Arkansas partnership showcases local artists’ original murals on storm drains to educate the public about runoff water and its impact on local water resources, like Fourche Creek and the Arkansas River.
Like most cities in the US, Little Rock’s municipal storm drains are a direct link to our streams, lakes and rivers. When it rains, storm water flows over parking lots, streets, lawns and other surfaces. This moving water works like a magnet that attaches to everything in its path. Paper & plastic litter, grease and oil, brake dust, anti-freeze, fertilizer, yard and pet waste, and other assorted items are all carried into our storm drains when it rains. This polluted water travels untreated through this system before being discharged into our local waterways.
Many residents have a misconception that the storm drains are part of our sanitary sewer system that sends to the wastewater treatment plant, which leads to the misuse of storm drains – thinking they are a “safe” place to dispose of waste. When pollutants are disposed via storm drains, they end up in our local creeks and rivers.
The Drain Smart program began in three areas of midtown Little Rock. You’ll see the drain murals in the River Market area, War Memorial Corridor and South Main neighborhoods. During the past five years the beautiful drain murals have spread to many other areas of the city and to cities nearby. You can find the murals by going to https://www.drain-smart.org/ and clicking the “Cities” tab.
For more information about Drain Smart and the artists visit www.drain-smart.org